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About CargoTrax
 What is CargoTrax?

CargoTrax is an Internet based information server for the global on-line shipping and transportation business communities. Available via the Worldwide Web, CargoTrax offers sailing schedules of shipping and transportation service providers, a database of shipping and transportation service providers, press release information as well as reference materials pertinent to the transportation industry.
 How much does CargoTrax cost?

The Web site is FREE worldwide to all users. In addition, CargoTrax offers all transportation related service providers a FREE listing in our service guide for basic corporate contact information. Those who wish to place additional contact information or sailing schedule and service information on the Web site must purchase a subscription.
 What do I get with a subscription?

Subsciber benefits depend upon subscription level. In general, each subscription offers varying advertising, service guide and sailing schedule options. All three levels allow subscribers to access the Subscriber Gateway where they can view and modify corporate information as well as update sailing schedules instantly via the Worldwide Web.

Subscription holders are able to advertise on the site as all of our subscriptions include banner advertising options for placement in the service and sailing schedule guides. Additional banner advertising space can be purchased on the home page and main section pages of CargoTrax. See Advertising Info for more information.

 What Technology does CargoTrax use?

CargoTrax uses a state of the art Internet server employing symmetric multi-processing technology for increased server performance. Our server is connected directly to the Internet using an extermely high-bandwidth connection to ensure rapid response times. The CargoTrax web application is deployed on the latest versions of Microsoft NT Server, Microsoft Internet Information Server and Microsoft SQL Server for better program interoperability. The CargoTrax Web site also uses the latest web development tools available such as Active Server Pages and Cascading Style Sheets.

Our goal is to give our subscribers and users the best that technology has to offer to ensure that their experience on CargoTrax remains on the cutting edge.

CargoTrax Triton Overseas -- Call Today! Ship Net International
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