CargoTrax provides a free listing in our service guide
for those companies who offer transportation or transportation related
services to the shipping community.
The CargoTrax service guide is a searchable database that
allows the online shipping and transportation business communities
access to your corporate information such as company name, mailing
or physical address, telephone, facsimile and toll-free numbers.
Your free listing allows your company to be listed under one service
category. If your company offers more than one type of service, you
may be interested in an expanded listing offered as part of a
subscription to CargoTrax. See How to Subscribe for
more information on subscriptions.
To ensure your company's free listing contains accurate information, enter
your company name below and click the Search button. This will allow you to
check for possible errors or omissions. If your company is not found, you will
be given the opportunity to add it to the service guide.