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July 27, 2024
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Tariff Filing Info
The Ocean Shipping Reform Act (OSRA) of 1998, amending the Shipping Act of 1984, establishes new rules and regulations regarding the filing requirements of common carrier tariffs and service contracts.
Effective May 1, 1999 the FMC removed part 514 of 46 CFR and implemented part 520 that meets the changes occasioned by OSRA. Therefore, under new part 520 of 46 CFR, common carriers and conferences are no longer required to file tariffs with the FMC, but will be required to publish their rates in private, automated tariff systems.
In order to meet the new FMC tariff filing requirements as per part 520 of 46 CFR, CargoTrax offers a web based tariff filing system as part of our service menu.
Further information on the final rule regarding Carrier Automated Tariff Systems can be found on the Federal Maritime Commission's Internet Web page, under Docket No. 98-29 titled Carrier Automated Tariff Systems.
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